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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1292c22b.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-23  |  21KB  |  537x152  |  8-bit (207 colors)
Labels: bottle | reckoner | shelf | vegetarianism
OCR: Procrcn Fund Adminls- 1991 spondiat tratior Charity! with both Telephene inoomc Watchdoga? AFS Intorcultural Programs 212-949 4212 $33.5 88.8 Youth forl Understanding Intl. Exchange 202-966-6800 23.7 83.8 1.6 14. JEU United Negra Colloge Fund 212-326-1100 60.9 79.4 16.0 5.0 Yos/Yes Recording forthe Blind 609. 452 -0606 19.5 72.7 6.9 Yes/ Junior Achievement 719-540-8090 64.7 67.8 B. Yes Braille Institute 213 653-1111 20.0 65.5 numbar lutercultura Unitod Negre College Rocording Achiovement